Drake Loeb to Participate in Orange County Chamber of Commerce Business EXPO
Drake Loeb PLLC will once again participate as an exhibitor in the Orange County Chamber of Commerce's Business EXPO on Thursday, September 17 at Anthony's Pier 9 in New Windsor from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Businesses and the public are invited to attend to learn more about Drake Loeb PLLC. Partner and Orange County Chamber of Commerce counsel Glen L. Heller, Managing Attorney Jennifer L. Schneider, and many other Drake Loeb PLLC partners and associates will be available at various times throughout the event to talk to attendees about the firm and its legal services. This event is also a great opportunity to learn about the many products and services available from other local businesses; more than 150 Chamber members will be represented.
Drake Loeb PLLC is proud to support the Chamber by participating in this important event. For more information about attending or becoming an exhibitor, please click on the above link to the Chamber's EXPO page or contact the Chamber at 845.457.9700.